In accordance with Government guidelines our offices are now closed.

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It’s good to talk!


Today is ‘Time to Talk Day 2020’ when the nation is encouraged to get talking about its mental health! With 75% of British workers suffering in silence with mental health issues such conversations can be life-changing.

In the UK we work an average of 42 hours a week (more than anywhere else in Europe) so it is little wonder that much of our stress can be attributed to our workplace. It is expected that 1 in 6.8 of us will experience mental health problems relating to workload, lack of support and workplace bullying. When you consider that during 2018 15.4 million working days were lost to British businesses due to work related stress, depression or anxiety it becomes very clear that it is an issue that employers should be investing in and working to combat.

An office culture which encourages open dialogue, time to talk and a positive team spirit is to be strived for and a fitting office environment is an important factor in achieving it! Relatively small considerations in workplace design can make a big impact on employee well-being.The key is to get the balance right! So, on a day like today it might be worth thinking about how you can mix things up a bit in the office and create a happier, working environment.

Zoned working areas apply your work to your space. Your workplace is designed by creating and fitting together the ideal combination of task specific areas providing the optimal blend of quiet, collaborative, formal, informal, fixed, flexible and functional space for your business. Providing these various working environments gives people the freedom to choose their best suited mode of working and encourages them to move around the office and engage with their co-workers.

Optimisation of natural light and the introduction of biophillia is so important in order that your workforce do not feel deprived of the outdoors! This has been demonstrated to reduce stress, anger and improve mood (a happy worker is a more productive worker). Use of living walls, office plants, even wall graphics and astro turf to create a green space can all brighten the atmosphere and establish a soothing connection with natur

Breakout areas should be social! They should provide a relaxed space for open discussion, a chat over a cuppa, an informal ‘at home’ area for creative thought and ideas. More and more companies are introducing ping-pong tables and beer fridges to their break-out areas in order to encourage staff interaction and bring an element of fun into down-time.

Creating an office environment which is conducive to good mental health is beneficial not only to staff but also to productivity, A happier, more confident workforce will perform better – and that’s a worthwhile investment!

WE have been creating happy work environments for over 50 years – for help with your office design including all things fit-out, refurbishment and office furniture call us. We would be delighted to be of assistance.

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