In accordance with Government guidelines our offices are now closed.

Please stay home, stay safe and stay healthy. We will see you on the other side!

Metric moves to Malta

Previous jobs have taken the Metric installation team to France, Germany and Belgium but never as far afield as Malta!
Tundas is a UK based Asia corporate advisory and consulting firm who are opening a new office in Malta’s capital, Valleta. They approached us to develop for them a workspace solution which incorporates all British manufactured furniture for 16 staff in their colonial style, waterfront building in Valletta.
Metric responded with a design in keeping with the traditional style of the building which uses styled walnut veneer furniture from Sven. The plan includes a high quality boardroom facility (with 3.5m table), directors and operations offices.
The container is booked and the furniture will be shipped the 1800 miles across the Mediterranean to Valletta where it will be met by two of our fitters who will install.
Watch this space for further updates!

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